Daily Readings Audio | Daily Meditation | November 19, 2018 – November 25, 2018


November 19, 2018

« November 18  |  November 20 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

Our first reading begins the Revelation to John; the Church in Ephesus is praised for endurance and suffering, but is encouraged to regain the love they had at first. In Luke’s Gospel, a blind beggar calls out Jesus, Son of David, asking for pity; Jesus heals him, telling him his faith has saved him.

In the noise and trials of life, let us ask, “What is happening”? and look for Jesus.

Most people in the Scriptures who wanted to get Jesus’ attention were not shy about it. They shouted, they yelled, they ran to him. Some  physically brought others to him, and occasionally one would quietly seek him out and try not to disturb him. In all manner of ways, they demonstrated a keen faith should be: asking, as the blind beggar does, “What is happening?” and then seeking the assistance of Jesus with a clarity of need. Let us pray for all those in authority, may they have the spirit of humility to live as servant leaders, protecting human life from conception to natural death. Amen.

Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 497

Reading 1 Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5

The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him,
to show his servants what must happen soon.
He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John,
who gives witness to the word of God
and to the testimony of Jesus Christ by reporting what he saw.
Blessed is the one who reads aloud
and blessed are those who listen to this prophetic message
and heed what is written in it, for the appointed time is near.

John, to the seven churches in Asia: grace to you and peace
from him who is and who was and who is to come,
and from the seven spirits before his throne.

I heard the Lord saying to me:
“To the angel of the Church in Ephesus, write this:

“‘The one who holds the seven stars in his right hand
and walks in the midst of the seven gold lampstands says this:
“I know your works, your labor, and your endurance,
and that you cannot tolerate the wicked;
you have tested those who call themselves Apostles but are not,
and discovered that they are impostors.
Moreover, you have endurance and have suffered for my name,
and you have not grown weary.
Yet I hold this against you:
you have lost the love you had at first.
Realize how far you have fallen.
Repent, and do the works you did at first.
Otherwise, I will come to you
and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.”‘”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6

  1. (Rev. 2:17) Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
    Blessed the man who follows not
    the counsel of the wicked
    Nor walks in the way of sinners,
    nor sits in the company of the insolent,
    But delights in the law of the LORD
    and meditates on his law day and night.
    R. Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
    He is like a tree
    planted near running water,
    That yields its fruit in due season,
    and whose leaves never fade.
    Whatever he does, prospers.
    R. Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.
    Not so the wicked, not so;
    they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
    For the LORD watches over the way of the just,
    but the way of the wicked vanishes.
    R. Those who are victorious I will feed from the tree of life.

Alleluia Jn 8:12

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    I am the light of the world, says the Lord;
    whoever follows me will have the light of life.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 18:35-43

As Jesus approached Jericho
a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging,
and hearing a crowd going by, he inquired what was happening.
They told him,
“Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.”
He shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!”
The people walking in front rebuked him,
telling him to be silent,
but he kept calling out all the more,
“Son of David, have pity on me!”
Then Jesus stopped and ordered that he be brought to him;
and when he came near, Jesus asked him,
“What do you want me to do for you?”
He replied, “Lord, please let me see.”
Jesus told him, “Have sight; your faith has saved you.”
He immediately received his sight
and followed him, giving glory to God.
When they saw this, all the people gave praise to God.


November 20, 2018

« November 19  |  November 21 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

In the first reading, John has a vision of a message for the Church in Sardis, and the Church in Laodicea. The Gospel relates the encounter between Jesus and Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector.

Today salvation has come to this house.

Luke’s Gospel is primarily the story of the Good News being shared with the Gentiles. It is the expansion of God’s promise of salvation beyond the people of Israel to all. Everyone cares to hear and listen will be rewarded as descendants of Abraham. Jesus told Zacchaeus that because of his repentance, salvation had come to his house. May we be so blessed as to have those words spoken about us. Let us pray for all the clergy and religious may they be strengthened in their witness to God’s kingdom, and that he may raise up many vocations to herald his coming. Amen.

Tuesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 498

Reading 1 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22

I, John, heard the Lord saying to me:
“To the angel of the Church in Sardis, write this:

“‘The one who has the seven spirits of God
and the seven stars says this: “I know your works,
that you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
Be watchful and strengthen what is left, which is going to die,
for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.
Remember then how you accepted and heard; keep it, and repent.
If you are not watchful, I will come like a thief,
and you will never know at what hour I will come upon you.
However, you have a few people in Sardis
who have not soiled their garments;
they will walk with me dressed in white,
because they are worthy.

“‘The victor will thus be dressed in white,
and I will never erase his name from the book of life
but will acknowledge his name in the presence of my Father
and of his angels.

“‘Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.'”

“To the angel of the Church in Laodicea, write this:

“‘The Amen, the faithful and true witness,
the source of God’s creation, says this:
“I know your works;
I know that you are neither cold nor hot.
I wish you were either cold or hot.
So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of my mouth.
For you say, ‘I am rich and affluent and have no need of anything,’
and yet do not realize that you are wretched,
pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.
I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich,
and white garments to put on
so that your shameful nakedness may not be exposed,
and buy ointment to smear on your eyes so that you may see.
Those whom I love, I reprove and chastise.
Be earnest, therefore, and repent.

“‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
then I will enter his house and dine with him,
and he with me.
I will give the victor the right to sit with me on my throne,
as I myself first won the victory
and sit with my Father on his throne.

“‘Whoever has ears ought to hear
what the Spirit says to the churches.'”

Responsorial Psalm PS 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5

  1. (Rev. 3: 21) I will seat the victor beside me on my throne.
    He who walks blamelessly and does justice;
    who thinks the truth in his heart
    and slanders not with his tongue.
    R. I will seat the victor beside me on my throne.
    Who harms not his fellow man,
    nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor;
    By whom the reprobate is despised,
    while he honors those who fear the LORD.
    R.  I will seat the victor beside me on my throne.
    Who lends not his money at usury
    and accepts no bribe against the innocent.
    He who does these things
    shall never be disturbed.
    R. I will seat the victor beside me on my throne.

Alleluia 1 Jn 4:10b

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    God loved us, and send his Son
    as expiation for our sins.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 19:1-10

At that time Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town.
Now a man there named Zacchaeus,
who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man,
was seeking to see who Jesus was;
but he could not see him because of the crowd,
for he was short in stature.
So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus,
who was about to pass that way.
When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said,
“Zacchaeus, come down quickly,
for today I must stay at your house.”
And he came down quickly and received him with joy.
When they saw this, they began to grumble, saying,
“He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.”
But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord,
“Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor,
and if I have extorted anything from anyone
I shall repay it four times over.”
And Jesus said to him,
“Today salvation has come to this house
because this man too is a descendant of Abraham.
For the Son of Man has come to seek
and to save what was lost.”


November 21, 2018

« November 20  |  November 22 »

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The first reading offers a breathtaking glimpse of the throne room of God in heaven, where God is worshiped continually by the Angels and Saints. The Gospel speaks of more earthly kingdoms. Jesus challenges us in his parables to be responsible servants and to use our gifts to improve life here on earth.

As we prepare to be full citizens of heaven, we must be dedicated citizens to our home in this world.

We as Christians have been described as fellow citizens of heaven. Yet at the moment, as we prepare for our eternal lives in heaven, we must be effective and dedicated servants of  our homeland here on earth by preaching the Gospel to the people of our times. Let us pray for people plagued by fear, anxiety or depression, may they know God’s never-ending love for them. Amen.

Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lectionary: 499

Reading 1 Rv 4:1-11

I, John, had a vision of an open door to heaven,
and I heard the trumpetlike voice
that had spoken to me before, saying,
“Come up here and I will show you what must happen afterwards.”
At once I was caught up in spirit.
A throne was there in heaven, and on the throne sat one
whose appearance sparkled like jasper and carnelian.
Around the throne was a halo as brilliant as an emerald.
Surrounding the throne I saw twenty-four other thrones
on which twenty-four elders sat,
dressed in white garments and with gold crowns on their heads.
From the throne came flashes of lightning,
rumblings, and peals of thunder.
Seven flaming torches burned in front of the throne,
which are the seven spirits of God.
In front of the throne was something that resembled
a sea of glass like crystal.

In the center and around the throne,
there were four living creatures
covered with eyes in front and in back.
The first creature resembled a lion, the second was like a calf,
the third had a face like that of a man,
and the fourth looked like an eagle in flight.
The four living creatures, each of them with six wings,
were covered with eyes inside and out.
Day and night they do not stop exclaiming:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty,
who was, and who is, and who is to come.”
Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks
to the one who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever,
the twenty-four elders fall down
before the one who sits on the throne
and worship him, who lives forever and ever.
They throw down their crowns before the throne, exclaiming:

“Worthy are you, Lord our God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things;
because of your will they came to be and were created.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 150:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6

  1. (1b) Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!
    Praise the LORD in his sanctuary,
    praise him in the firmament of his strength.
    Praise him for his mighty deeds,
    praise him for his sovereign majesty.
    R. Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!
    Praise him with the blast of the trumpet,
    praise him with lyre and harp,
    Praise him with timbrel and dance,
    praise him with strings and pipe.
    R. Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!
    Praise him with sounding cymbals,
    praise him with clanging cymbals.
    Let everything that has breath
    praise the LORD! Alleluia.
    R. Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!

Alleluia See Jn 15:16

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    I chose you from the world,
    to go and bear fruit that will last, says the Lord.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 19:11-28

While people were listening to Jesus speak,
he proceeded to tell a parable because he was near Jerusalem
and they thought that the Kingdom of God
would appear there immediately.
So he said,
“A nobleman went off to a distant country
to obtain the kingship for himself and then to return.
He called ten of his servants and gave them ten gold coins
and told them, ‘Engage in trade with these until I return.’
His fellow citizens, however, despised him
and sent a delegation after him to announce,
‘We do not want this man to be our king.’
But when he returned after obtaining the kingship,
he had the servants called, to whom he had given the money,
to learn what they had gained by trading.
The first came forward and said,
‘Sir, your gold coin has earned ten additional ones.’
He replied, ‘Well done, good servant!
You have been faithful in this very small matter;
take charge of ten cities.’
Then the second came and reported,
‘Your gold coin, sir, has earned five more.’
And to this servant too he said,
‘You, take charge of five cities.’
Then the other servant came and said,
‘Sir, here is your gold coin;
I kept it stored away in a handkerchief,
for I was afraid of you, because you are a demanding man;
you take up what you did not lay down
and you harvest what you did not plant.’
He said to him,
‘With your own words I shall condemn you,
you wicked servant.
You knew I was a demanding man,
taking up what I did not lay down
and harvesting what I did not plant;
why did you not put my money in a bank?
Then on my return I would have collected it with interest.’
And to those standing by he said,
‘Take the gold coin from him
and give it to the servant who has ten.’
But they said to him,
‘Sir, he has ten gold coins.’
He replied, ‘I tell you,
to everyone who has, more will be given,
but from the one who has not,
even what he has will be taken away.
Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king,
bring them here and slay them before me.'”

After he had said this,
he proceeded on his journey up to Jerusalem.


November 22, 2018

« November 21  |  November 23 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

In the first reading from the Book of Revelation, no one is able to open or read the scroll, and tears are shed. Yet the triumph is made evident as a slain Lamb receives the scroll, and new hymns of joy are proclaimed. In the Gospel, we hear of the lament of Jerusalem. Jesus sees the city and weeps, for the people do not have eyes to see what makes for peace.

Do we have eyes to see what makes for peace?

Jesus, who is true peace, wants peace for God’s sons and daughters, but it still eludes us here on earth. Do our lives produce the fruit of peace that is evidence of relationship with the Lord? Do we have eyes to see him in each other, and to see what makes for peace? Let us pray for those who have closed their hearts to the Gospel, may the Lord open and expand those hearts with his love and mercy. Amen.

Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
Lectionary: 500

Reading 1 Rv 5:1-10

I, John, saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne.
It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals.
Then I saw a mighty angel who proclaimed in a loud voice,
“Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?”
But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth
was able to open the scroll or to examine it.
I shed many tears because no one was found worthy
to open the scroll or to examine it.
One of the elders said to me, “Do not weep.
The lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed,
enabling him to open the scroll with its seven seals.”

Then I saw standing in the midst of the throne
and the four living creatures and the elders
a Lamb that seemed to have been slain.
He had seven horns and seven eyes;
these are the seven spirits of God sent out into the whole world.
He came and received the scroll from the right hand
of the one who sat on the throne.
When he took it,
the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders
fell down before the Lamb.
Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense,
which are the prayers of the holy ones.
They sang a new hymn:

“Worthy are you to receive the scroll
and break open its seals,
for you were slain and with your Blood you purchased for God
those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation.
You made them a kingdom and priests for our God,
and they will reign on earth.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b

  1. (Rev. 5:10) The Lamb has made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
    R. Alleluia.
    Sing to the LORD a new song
    of praise in the assembly of the faithful.
    Let Israel be glad in their maker,
    let the children of Zion rejoice in their king.
    R. The Lamb has made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
    R. Alleluia.
    Let them praise his name in the festive dance,
    let them sing praise to him with timbrel and harp.
    For the LORD loves his people,
    and he adorns the lowly with victory.
    R. The Lamb has made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
    R. Alleluia.
    Let the faithful exult in glory;
    let them sing for joy upon their couches;
    Let the high praises of God be in their throats.
    This is the glory of all his faithful. Alleluia.
    R. The Lamb has made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
    R. Alleluia.

Alleluia Ps 95:8

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    If today you hear his voice,
    harden not your hearts.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 19:41-44

As Jesus drew near Jerusalem,
he saw the city and wept over it, saying,
“If this day you only knew what makes for peace–
but now it is hidden from your eyes.
For the days are coming upon you
when your enemies will raise a palisade against you;
they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides.
They will smash you to the ground and your children within you,
and they will not leave one stone upon another within you
because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”


November 22, 2018

« November 21  |  November 23 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

Thanksgiving Day
Lectionary: 943-947

Reading 1 Sir 50:22-24

And now, bless the God of all,
who has done wondrous things on earth;
Who fosters people’s growth from their mother’s womb,
and fashions them according to his will!
May he grant you joy of heart
and may peace abide among you;
May his goodness toward us endure in Israel
to deliver us in our days.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11

  1. (see 1) I will praise your name for ever, Lord.
    Every day will I bless you,
    and I will praise your name forever and ever.
    Great is the LORD and highly to be praised;
    his greatness is unsearchable.
    R. I will praise your name for ever, Lord.
    Generation after generation praises your works
    and proclaims your might.
    They speak of the splendor of your glorious majesty
    and tell of your wondrous works.
    R. I will praise your name for ever, Lord.
    They discourse of the power of your terrible deeds
    and declare your greatness.
    They publish the fame of your abundant goodness
    and joyfully sing of your justice.
    R. I will praise your name for ever, Lord.
    The LORD is gracious and merciful,
    slow to anger and of great kindness.
    The LORD is good to all
    and compassionate toward all his works.
    R. I will praise your name for ever, Lord.
    Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD,
    and let your faithful ones bless you.
    Let them discourse of the glory of your Kingdom
    and speak of your might.
    R. I will praise your name for ever, Lord

Reading 2 1 Cor 1:3-9

Brothers and sisters:
Grace to you and peace from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I give thanks to my God always on your account
for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus,
that in him you were enriched in every way,
with all discourse and all knowledge,
as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you,
so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift
as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He will keep you firm to the end,
irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful,
and by him you were called to fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Alleluia Ps 66:16

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Hear now, all you who fear God,
    while I declare what he has done for me.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 17:11-19

As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem,
he traveled through Samaria and Galilee.
As he was entering a village, ten persons with leprosy met him.
They stood at a distance from him and raised their voices, saying,
“Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!”
And when he saw them, he said,
“Go show yourselves to the priests.”
As they were going they were cleansed.
And one of them, realizing he had been healed,
returned, glorifying God in a loud voice;
and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him.
He was a Samaritan.
Jesus said in reply,
“Ten were cleansed, were they not?
Where are the other nine?
Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?”
Then he said to him, “Stand up and go;
your faith has saved you.”


November 23, 2018

« November 22  |  November 24 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

Memorial of Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyrs, Saint Columban Abbot; USA: Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, Priest and Martyr.

In the first reading from the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John prepares himself to prophesy by obeying the divine words. In today’s Gospel, Jesus prepares the Temple area to be a place of prayer where he can teach and the people can listen to his words.

Let the Lord prepare our hearts.

Preparation is often the key to success and growth. Farmers must prepare fields; teachers prepare lessons; families prepare meals; community of worship prepare their heart. Today’s Gospel reminds us that we can only listen attentively to Christ’s words and receive the Gospel after the Lord has first prepared our heart to be a place of encounter and prayer, free of the distractions of the world. Let us pray for the pope, bishops, priests and all those who preaching the Gospel, may the Lord bless them in their lives of discipleship. Amen.

Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 501

Reading 1 Rv 10:8-11

I, John, heard a voice from heaven speak to me.
Then the voice spoke to me and said:
“Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel
who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
So I went up to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll.
He said to me, “Take and swallow it.
It will turn your stomach sour,
but in your mouth it will taste as sweet as honey.”
I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and swallowed it.
In my mouth it was like sweet honey,
but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.
Then someone said to me, “You must prophesy again
about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”

Responsorial Psalm Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131

  1. (103a) How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    In the way of your decrees I rejoice,
    as much as in all riches.
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    Yes, your decrees are my delight;
    they are my counselors.
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    The law of your mouth is to me more precious
    than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    How sweet to my palate are your promises,
    sweeter than honey to my mouth!
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    Your decrees are my inheritance forever;
    the joy of my heart they are.
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!
    I gasp with open mouth
    in my yearning for your commands.
    R. How sweet to my taste is your promise!

Alleluia Jn 10:27

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord;
    I know them, and they follow me.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 19:45-48

Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out
those who were selling things, saying to them,
“It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer,
but you have made it a den of thieves.”

And every day he was teaching in the temple area.
The chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people, meanwhile,
were seeking to put him to death,
but they could find no way to accomplish their purpose
because all the people were hanging on his words.


November 24, 2018

« November 23  |  November 25 »

by Daily reading & meditation website

In the reading from Revelation, John hears a voice from heaven speaking about two witnesses, symbolized by olive trees and lampstands, who are made victorious with their entrance into heaven. In the Gospel, some Sadducees, who do not believe in resurrection, try-and fail- to stump Jesus.

Jesus teaches about the resurrection, giving witness to our God of life.

Today’s readings highlight our belief in the resurrection of the dead, and so it is fitting that we celebrate Saints Andrew Dũng Lạc and his Vietnamese companions who witnessed their faith through heroic martyrdom. These martyrs suffered great trials, which teach us that God’s love has the greatest power over violence, sin and death. Let us pray for those who suffer oppression because of their faith in Christ, may God protect them and give them justice and peace. Amen.

Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs
Lectionary: 502

Reading 1 Rv 11:4-12

I, John, heard a voice from heaven speak to me:
Here are my two witnesses:
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands
that stand before the Lord of the earth.
If anyone wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths
and devours their enemies.
In this way, anyone wanting to harm them is sure to be slain.
They have the power to close up the sky
so that no rain can fall during the time of their prophesying.
They also have power to turn water into blood
and to afflict the earth with any plague as often as they wish.

When they have finished their testimony,
the beast that comes up from the abyss
will wage war against them and conquer them and kill them.
Their corpses will lie in the main street of the great city,
which has the symbolic names “Sodom” and “Egypt,”
where indeed their Lord was crucified.
Those from every people, tribe, tongue, and nation
will gaze on their corpses for three and a half days,
and they will not allow their corpses to be buried.
The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them
and be glad and exchange gifts
because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the earth.
But after the three and a half days,
a breath of life from God entered them.
When they stood on their feet, great fear fell on those who saw them.
Then they heard a loud voice from heaven say to them, “Come up here.”
So they went up to heaven in a cloud as their enemies looked on.

Responsorial Psalm pS 144:1, 2, 9-10

  1. (1b) Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
    Blessed be the LORD, my rock,
    who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war.
    R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
    My mercy and my fortress,
    my stronghold, my deliverer,
    My shield, in whom I trust,
    who subdues my people under me.
    R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!
    O God, I will sing a new song to you;
    with a ten stringed lyre I will chant your praise,
    You who give victory to kings,
    and deliver David, your servant from the evil sword.
    R. Blessed be the Lord, my Rock!

Alleluia See 2 Tm 1:10

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death
    and brought life to light through the Gospel.
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Lk 20:27-40

Some Sadducees, those who deny that there is a resurrection,
came forward and put this question to Jesus, saying,
“Teacher, Moses wrote for us,
If someone’s brother dies leaving a wife but no child,
his brother must take the wife
and raise up descendants for his brother
Now there were seven brothers;
the first married a woman but died childless.
Then the second and the third married her,
and likewise all the seven died childless.
Finally the woman also died.
Now at the resurrection whose wife will that woman be?
For all seven had been married to her.”
Jesus said to them,
“The children of this age marry and remarry;
but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age
and to the resurrection of the dead
neither marry nor are given in marriage.
They can no longer die,
for they are like angels;
and they are the children of God
because they are the ones who will rise.
That the dead will rise
even Moses made known in the passage about the bush,
when he called ‘Lord’
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob;
and he is not God of the dead, but of the living,
for to him all are alive.”
Some of the scribes said in reply,
“Teacher, you have answered well.”
And they no longer dared to ask him anything.


November 25, 2018

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by Daily reading & meditation website

All of today’s readings address the idea of kingship. Daniel’s vision sees the king in everlasting glory being served by all nations. The second reading names the king as Jesus Christ affirms his reign as absolute and everlasting. John’s Gospel relays the exchange between Jesus and Pilate before his crucifixion, where Jesus confirms his kingdom is not of this world.

Jesus, King of heaven and earth, cares for all his people and calls us to love and serve him in return.

This final Sunday in Ordinary times is marked as the Feast of Christ the King. Jesus, our King, has all power in heaven and earth. The Church represents the kingdom on earth. We as members of the Kingdom, are expected to follow the example of Jesus. He rules with love, service and compassion, and calls us to do the same. Let us pray for the Church, the earthly kingdom of God, may she receive the graces necessary to continue to carry out the Lord’s mission and be a sign of his love and goodness to the world. Amen.

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Lectionary: 161

Reading 1 Dn 7:13-14

As the visions during the night continued, I saw
one like a Son of man coming,
on the clouds of heaven;
when he reached the Ancient One
and was presented before him,
the one like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship;
all peoples, nations, and languages serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that shall not be taken away,
his kingship shall not be destroyed.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 93:1, 1-2, 5

  1. (1a) The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.
    The LORD is king, in splendor robed;
    robed is the LORD and girt about with strength.
    R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.
    And he has made the world firm,
    not to be moved.
    Your throne stands firm from of old;
    from everlasting you are, O LORD.
    R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.
    Your decrees are worthy of trust indeed;
    holiness befits your house,
    O LORD, for length of days.
    R. The LORD is king; he is robed in majesty.

Reading 2 Rv 1:5-8

Jesus Christ is the faithful witness,
the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth.
To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father,
to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
Behold, he is coming amid the clouds,
and every eye will see him,
even those who pierced him.
All the peoples of the earth will lament him.
Yes. Amen.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, ” says the Lord God,
“the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty.”

Alleluia Mk 11:9, 10

  1. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
    Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come!
    R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Jn 18:33b-37

Pilate said to Jesus,
“Are you the King of the Jews?”
Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own
or have others told you about me?”
Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I?
Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me.
What have you done?”
Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world.
If my kingdom did belong to this world,
my attendants would be fighting
to keep me from being handed over to the Jews.
But as it is, my kingdom is not here.”
So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?”
Jesus answered, “You say I am a king.
For this I was born and for this I came into the world,
to testify to the truth.
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”